[. . . ] Var imageInfo:ImageInfo = new ImageInfo(); // Split the current line into values (separated by tab (\t) // characters) and extract the individual properties: var imageProperties:Array = imageInfoRaw. */ private function capitalizeFirstLetter(word:String):String { switch (word) { case "and": case "the": case "in": case "an": case "or": case "at": case "of": case "a": // Don't do anything to these words. Break; default: // For any other word, capitalize the first character. Height; y += verticalResolution) { // Within each row, loop through pixels left to right: for (var x:uint = 0; x < _data. [. . . ] URLRequest; var snd:Sound = new Sound(); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("bigSound. URLRequest; const PLOT_HEIGHT:int = 200; const CHANNEL_LENGTH:int = 256; var snd:Sound = new Sound(); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("bigSound. MoveTo(0, PLOT_HEIGHT); var n:Number = 0; // left channel for (var i:int = 0; i < CHANNEL_LENGTH; i++) { n = (bytes. Names; trace("Available sound input devices:"); for (var i:int = 0; i < deviceArray. Url = soundUrl; // Sets Boolean values that determine the behavior of this object this. BufferTime; } // Keeps buffer time reasonable, between 0 and 30 seconds this. Resume(); } function stopHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { // Pause the stream and move the playhead back to // the beginning of the stream. Rectangle; public class FullScreenVideoExample extends Sprite { var fullScreenButton:Button = new Button(); var video:Video = new Video(); public function FullScreenVideoExample() { var videoConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); videoConnection. CLICK, fullScreenButtonHandler); } private function fullScreenButtonHandler(event:MouseEvent) { var screenRectangle:Rectangle = new Rectangle(video. Connect(null); var customClient:Object = new Object(); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); ns. NetStream; public class CustomNetStream extends NetStream { private var nc:NetConnection; public function CustomNetStream() { nc = new NetConnection(); nc. AttachCamera(cam); addChild(vid); } function statusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void { // This event gets dispatched when the user clicks the "Allow" or "Deny" // button in the Flash Player Settings dialog box. "); } else { // Resize Video object to match camera settings and // add the video to the display list. LoadVoucherSetting; public class DRMPreloader extends Sprite { private var videoURL:String = "app-storage:/video. Flv"; private var userName:String = "user"; private var password:String = "password"; private var preloadConnection:NetConnection; private var preloadStream:NetStream; private var drmManager:DRMManager = DRMManager. USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD ) { authenticateUser(); } else { getVoucher(); } } private function getVoucher():void { drmManager. Player = new MediaPlayer(); 2 Enregistrez l’événement MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent. Period : "<none>"); trace("Playback window end date: ", event. STATUS_OK) { trace("PDF content can be displayed"); } else { trace("PDF cannot be displayed. PostMessage(["alert", "Hello from HTML"]); } catch (e) { alert( "Error: \n name = " + e. Var var var var var var for { rows:uint = 10; cols:uint = 10; rowSpacing:uint = 25; colSpacing:uint = 25; i:uint; j:uint; (i = 0; i < rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { createSquare(j * colSpacing, i * rowSpacing, (i * cols) + j); } } function createSquare(startX:Number, startY:Number, tabNumber:uint):void { var square:Sprite = new Sprite(); square. ColorTransform = getRandomColor(); } function getRandomColor():ColorTransform { // Generate random values for the red, green, and blue color channels. [. . . ] GetRegularAlbumPrice(); } public function getSaleAlbumPrice():String { return "Not available"; } public function getAlbumPrice():String { return musicStore. *; public class PriceQuoter extends Sprite { private var storeRequester:Object; public function PriceQuoter() { trace("Initializing child SWF"); trace("Child sandbox: " + Security. Height = height; // A border lets you more easily see the area the text field covers. Border = true; // Left justifying means that the right side of the text field is automatically // resized if a line of text is wider than the width of the text field. [. . . ]